“Eli’s Celebration”
“Brave Eli’s Ride for a CURE Against Childhood Leukemia”
Carrying out Eli’s wishes to find a Cure
May 19, 2012
We will start the festivities with “Brave Eli’s Ride For A Cure Against Childhood Leukemia”. Motorcycles were another passion of Eli’s, he loved to get on the Harley with me and ride! I have so many happy memories of my little boy holding onto me and the joy he had when we would go out. We want to honor his memory in this way. (There are plans to develop this into a WORLDWIDE event but that is for another email…)
After the RIDE is the party!
The Redmen’s Pavilion is set for Saturday May 19, 2012 —– 4-6 pm will be the ride to Northeast, MD from 6-1 am ( “Eli’s Celebration” ).
Get ready for: The Rock!!!! Bands will be:
Mike’s Backyard Bar-B-Q
ROMA sausages
Beer, Soda also BYOB
In order to raise more funds we will need raffles and silent auction items. Those items were about half the money raised during this year’s event. We will need all the raffle items we can get so we will need all the help we can. Mark down the date, the tickets will be ready shortly and will be 25.00 per person. Since you are receiving this email you are entitled to first dibs on tickets because we all know that they will go fast. You can reserve your ticket by replying to the email or you can send 25.00 per ticket to made out to Eli Seth Matthews Leukemia Foundation, Inc. PO BOX 33, Oxford, PA 19363. As soon as they are printed they will be sent out.
We want to thank everyone for being a part of “Eli’s Celebration of Life” that we had last year and we are looking forward to seeing you again next year!
Love Paul, Ruth, and Austin
Eli Seth Matthews Leukemia Foundation, Inc.
Carrying out Eli’s wishes to find a cure
Paul B. Matthews, President
Jennifer Middleman, Secretary
Kristen Carter, Treasurer
Eric Molinaro, Director of Public Relations
website: www.BraveEli.com
email: BraveEli@zoominternet.net
email: esmlf@zoominternet.net