We will be having a celebration of Eli’s life at Redman Hall Oxford, PA.
The tickets will be $25.00 each.
There will be food, drinks, family, friends & live bands. The evening will be dedicated to honoring our son as we miss him terribly.
All proceeds will go to the “Eli Seth Matthews Leukemia Foundation” to help find a cure for Leukemia. Specifically Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL).
This event will be for ages 21 and over, and will start at 6:00 PM.
If you own a motorcycle and would like to join me please be at the Redman Hall at 4:00 PM we will ride to Northeast MD to visit Eli. Eli will hear thunder in HEAVEN.
For tickets Contact Kristen Carter @ 484-614-5399 , Julia Oatman @ 484-880-8487 or Kim Webber @ 302-250-6346. You can also e-mail Kim at kwebber@zoominternet.net.